1931 Carburetor Information


The RJH08-125S Carburetor was used on the first five months production of six-cylinder models (1929).  This model has a small, and short, accelerator pump.  When replacing this on an International Model (1929) the RJH-08-136S model should be used.  The 136S has an accelerator pump which is small in diameter, but longer - reaching almost to the bottom of the bowl.  (The 136S should be used only on International (1929) Model motors and should not be installed on Universal (1930) Model motors.)

The RJH08-150S differs from the RJH08-136S in jet sizes and will not give satisfactory performance on the International (1929) model due to changes in valve design and the intake manifold.  (j)


<click on each photo to enlarge it>

Metering Rod

Venturi Choke


RJH08-136S (similar)


Page last updated:  01/30/2011

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